Top 4 Reasons To Buy A Fire Extinguisher For Your Automobile
Most people know that having fire extinguishers in the home is very important, but it is not uncommon for automobile owners to neglect placing a fire extinguisher in their vehicle. Having a fire extinguisher on hand while driving is very important, and any one who owns a car should have at least a small fire extinguisher on hand. Some of the top reasons to keep a fire extinguisher in your automobile include:
Ability to Put Out Small Fires
Vehicle fires often happen when the electrical system malfunctions or the engine over heats. Having a fire extinguisher available will give you the ability to quickly put out a small fire, which can greatly reduce the likelihood of you or your passengers being seriously burned or getting into a major car accident. If you purchase a fire extinguisher for your car, make sure that you can access it quickly and also know how to use it.
Reduce Vehicle Damage
While emergency services typically arrives shortly after 9-1-1 is called, a fire can quickly destroy a vehicle if you or bystanders have no way to control it. But when you have a fire extinguisher in your car, you will have the ability to put out the fire in a very timely manner, which can greatly reduce the amount of damage that your vehicle sustains.
Use for a Variety of Purposes
Having a fire extinguisher in your car doesn't mean that you can only use it for situations involving your vehicle. You never know when a small fire can break out-- if you have a fire extinguisher in your car, it can be very helpful when camping, visiting a park where a fire can occur, or even if a fire breaks out when you're at the home of a friend or family member who does not own a fire extinguisher. A fire extinguisher is very portable, so it is always worth having one available in your car.
Help Others
When you have a fire extinguisher in your vehicle, you will be able to be a good samaritan and help others who may have small fires in their vehicle. You assistance and your fire extinguisher can prevent a small fire in someone else's car from becoming a big disaster. Purchasing a fire extinguisher for your car will give you the peace of mind of knowing that you're prepared for a fire in your vehicle or a vehicle belonging to someone else. Contact a company like Tri County Fire Protection for more help.